a jar of kombucha with a scoby inside, held on an opened palm

Kombucha: A Healthy Elixir for Your Gut

So, you’ve heard the buzz about kombucha, but what exactly is it?

This fizzy, fermented beverage has taken the health and wellness world by storm in recent years, and for good reason. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of kombucha, exploring its origins and its many health benefits.


What Is Kombucha?

Kombucha is not your average beverage. It’s often referred to as “mushroom tea” or “booch” for short, but it doesn’t actually contain mushrooms. Instead, it’s made from a few simple ingredients: tea, sugar, water, and a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast).

SCOBY – This strange-looking pancake-like culture is the heart and soul of kombucha brewing. It’s a symbiotic mix of bacteria and yeast that ferments the tea and sugar, transforming them into the tangy and fizzy beverage we know and love.

At Bali Buda, our scobys are like our babies! We have kept them alive for almost 28 years. They are well-taken care of by our Kombucha Master who has been with us for very long time! He is the “scoby-wisperer”!
close-up on scobys


Where is Kombucha coming from?

1. Etymology

The word “kombucha” has a rather intriguing origin itself. It’s believed to have come from two distinct sources:
Kombu: The first part, “kombu,” comes from the Japanese word for seaweed. Why seaweed, you ask? Well, it’s said that kombucha tea was first brewed in Asia, and the dark, rubbery scoby that floats on top of the tea can sometimes resemble a piece of seaweed.
Cha: The second part, “cha,” simply means “tea” in Chinese. So, when you put it all together, “kombucha” roughly translates to “seaweed tea” in a linguistic blend of Japanese and Chinese.

2. The Mysterious Origins of Kombucha

Now, let’s embark on a journey back in time to unravel the ancient origins of this mystical elixir. Its history is as cloudy as the tea itself, shrouded in the mists of time.
Ancient China: Some say kombucha dates back over two thousand years, with its origins in ancient China. Legend has it that it was revered as the “Tea of Immortality” or the “Elixir of Life.” Emperors, monks, and common folks alike sipped on this mysterious brew, believing it held the secrets to health and longevity.
Spread to Russia and Beyond: From China, it supposedly made its way along the Silk Road, eventually reaching Russia. There, it gained the moniker “Russian mushroom” or “tea kvass.” In Russia and Eastern Europe, kombucha found a home, and its popularity continued to spread.
The 20th Century Revival: Its popularity waned during the 20th century, especially in the West, where it fell into relative obscurity. However, it experienced a revival in the late 20th century and early 21st century as people sought out natural and healthful alternatives to sugary soft drinks.
The Modern Kombucha Craze: Today, kombucha is far from being a hidden gem. It has become a mainstream beverage enjoyed by health-conscious individuals worldwide. You can find it in various flavors and brands at your local grocery store, health food shop, or even on tap at kombucha bars.


Health Benefits

Probiotic Powerhouse

Your gut plays a big role in your immune system, and kombucha can help keep it in tip-top shape. Those probiotics can strengthen your immune defenses, making it harder for those pesky cold and flu bugs to mess with you. Think of it as a shield made of bacteria (the good kind).

If you have not read it yet, we have a very good blog here about fermented foods!


Kombucha contains antioxidants, which are like little warriors that help your body get rid of harmful toxins. They work to neutralize free radicals, which can damage your cells. So, while it might not magically erase all the junk food you ate over the weekend, it can certainly help your body recover.

Improved Digestion

this fermented beverage is like a superhero for your gut. It’s loaded with probiotics, which are the friendly bacteria that help with digestion. They can assist in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients more efficiently. So, if you’ve ever experienced bloating or tummy troubles after a big meal, a sip of kombucha might come to the rescue!

Joint Health

Kombucha might give your joints some love too. Some types contain glucosamine, a compound that’s good for joint health. If you’ve got creaky knees or achy joints, this could be a tasty way to lend them a hand.


A woman pouring kombucha while holding the scoby with a wooden spoon


Mental Clarity

Remember those B vitamins in kombucha? They’re not just for show. They can support your brain health, helping you stay sharp and focused. So, if you’ve got a big presentation or a tricky puzzle to solve, kombucha might be your brain’s best buddy.

Weight Management

Here’s a fun one: kombucha may help you manage your weight. Thanks to its acetic acid content, it can help control your appetite and potentially curb those late-night snack cravings. It’s not a miracle weight loss solution, of course, but every little bit helps, right?

Skin Health

Clear, radiant skin isn’t just about fancy skincare products. It often starts from within, and a healthy gut can contribute to a clearer complexion. So, if you’ve been on a quest for that elusive “glow,” kombucha could be a tasty addition to your skincare routine.

Energy Boost

Feeling a bit sluggish? Kombucha’s natural caffeine content (from the tea it’s brewed with) can give you a gentle energy lift without the jitters or crashes that can come from other caffeinated drinks. It’s like a friendly pat on the back to keep you going.


Finding Quality Store-Bought Kombucha

Here are some tips you want to keep in mind for finding high-quality kombucha at your local grocery store or health food store:

  1. Check the Ingredients: The best kombuchas have minimal ingredients: tea, sugar, water, and live cultures. Avoid those with added artificial flavors or excessive sugar.

  2. Look for Live Cultures: Ensure that the bottle mentions live cultures or probiotics, as these are what provide the health benefits.

  3. Low Sugar: Opt for kombuchas with lower sugar content. Some can be quite sweet, which may not align with your health goals.

  4. Local Brands: If possible, support local kombucha brewers. They often use fresh ingredients and unique flavors.

  5. Experiment: Try different brands and flavors to find your favorites. Kombucha comes in a wide range of flavors, from classic to exotic.


At Bali Buda, we just care! We do not use any artificial flavors and you can trust our scobys to do their part well enough that you will get all the goodness without too much sugar, in each bottle of Kombucha.


This product is only available from our outlets
This product is only available from our outlets
This product is only available from our outlets
This product is only available from our outlets


Health Recommendations

Before you embark on your kombucha journey, keep these health recommendations in mind:

Moderation: While it offers numerous health benefits, it’s best enjoyed in moderation. One or two servings a day should suffice.

Allergies: Be cautious if you have a history of allergies to yeast or mold, as kombucha may trigger a reaction.

Pregnancy and Medications: If you’re pregnant or taking medications, consult your healthcare provider before consuming kombucha.

DIY Safety: If you decide to make kombucha at home, follow proper hygiene and safety practices to prevent contamination.



In conclusion, kombucha is more than just a trendy beverage; it’s a health-boosting elixir with a fascinating history. Whether you choose to make it at home or pick up a bottle at the store, kombucha can be a delightful addition to your daily routine. So, go ahead, take a sip, and toast to a healthier gut and a happier you!